Trusted Leadership
for a Better Santa Ana.
“Thanks to your support, in 2022 I was elected the first female mayor in the City of Santa Ana’s 153-year history and I’m running for re-election in November of 2024.
I’m running for re-election because I love Santa Ana and our residents deserves a Mayor who will continue to listen to them and work hard to deliver results at City Hall.
As Mayor, I have implemented new ideas to address homelessness issues, foster economic development, and ensure public safety works with the community, I’ve worked with first responders to make neighborhoods safer and built stronger partnerships with our schools and youth programs.
As Mayor, I know the things that make our city special, and I understand what can be done to improve the quality of life for our residents. I’m excited to continue this important work with our re-election campaign.
I hope to earn your vote and support once again, so that together, we can continue to work for a better Santa Ana.”
Mayor Valerie Amezcua
Mayor Valerie Amezcua is the only candidate endorsed by a broad grassroots coalition of trusted organizations and local leaders due to her proven leadership (partial list)
✅ OC Firefighters Association
✅ Democratic Party of OC
✅ OC Labor Federation (AFL-CIO)
✅ LA/OC Building Trades (AFL-CIO)
✅ Western States Carpenters
✅ SEIU Local 721
✅ WIL (Women in Leadership)
Local Officials
✅ David Penaloza, Santa Ana Councilmember
✅ Phil Bacerra, Santa Ana Councilmember
✅ Ashleigh Aitken, Anaheim Mayor
State/Federal Officials
✅ Lou Correa, U.S. Congressman
✅ Malia Cohen, CA State Controller
✅ Tom Umberg, CA State Senator
✅ Dave Min, CA State Senator
✅ Josh Newman, CA State Senator
✅ Avelino Valencia, CA Assemblymember
✅ Sharon Quirk-Silva, CA Assemblymember
✅ Josh Lowenthal, CA Assemblymember
✅ Betty Yee, Fmr. CA State Controller
✅ Tom Daly, Fmr. CA Assemblymember